
I'm too indecisive.

"quit military service and resume civilian life" OR "to lay down the pen and join the army" 

whatever ....I want to do something.

If I didnt do anything i would never know what I want.


想要的東西太多了 "       you want too much "my mom always said that to me.


 今天似乎是做了一件有趣的事,在韓國民俗村 한국민속촌門口前看手相。I did palm reading today in korea!Sounds funny...


算命,如信鬼神一般,未知的神秘及充滿遐想大概是人類一輩子的興趣。那應該也是一種感情,你不想相信卻又一頭栽進去。fortune-telling,like you belief in ghosts and's unknown,imagination,dont u think it's a habit for all human's lifetime?it should be a passion,you dont want to belive but u did!

它說我 不果決 想像力豐富 藝術  it say about me  -indecisive,creativity,artist

建議我 果決 晚婚 找一個穩重的男人recommend me- be decisive person,late marriage,find a mature husband 


anyway just for fun,and I also got some good suggestion.

聽著Metallica的one,我想著我對你的愛慕。Listening a song by Metallica,I thinking about my feeling I dore you.

其實是我主動靠近你,而後是我不想和你分開。我想一直,即便得不到你,即便我有另外的感情,認識你而愛慕你,那是不會改變的。Actually,I tried to start a conversation with u,I do not want to be apart with u.I want forever,even I cant get along with u ,even I have a relationship,I met u and admired u ,that would not change.

我怎麼又趁機告白了呢。 come i say this?


Love me if you dare...





for me,I want to find someone like me "nothing gonna stop us now",maybe I already become a greedy person.

I once went to unknow muntain which the far-off Shui-Mei Elementary School just want to put a flower on the wall in school. 

It was taking me a few hours,I try to see if anyone will give me a lift,the torrid noonday sun let me think "how come I let me become a poor girl and walk on here.

you are 28 years old,can u accept me who a crazy girl for you.  


since I can do that for you,I also can be a deplomat.


(Is it wrong if i do anything just want to let u know ,sometimes you r wrong?

you can't say that a woman only can be a good wife and stay in home,

resistant,weaker,yes I am...)

beautiful scene   IMG_1486.JPG  IMG_1492.JPG  IMG_1473.JPG  IMG_1432.JPG  




Korean Folk Village sounds out of date but cute,It's a scene travel through space-time!I like ols story that reminds one of old times.

I was touched the feelings and flavor of dry cane the old tree,even it's freezing I still enjoy using my imagination.old but fresh.

Jang Geum na!I want to shout her name.This people...If I want I can feel they are really living in this world.

need to sleep,stop think too much.

information Korean Folk Village

搭地鐵至水源站 從車站大門走出來向右手邊走就會看到觀光公社,旁邊的停車場及可搭乘免費巴士到民俗村。

[Subway + Bus]
1) Gangnam Station (Seoul Subway Line 2), Exit 10.
Take bus 5000-1 to Korean Folk Village.

2) Yeouido Station (Seoul Subway Line 5), Exit 6.
Take bus 7007-1 to Korean Folk Village 3-way Junction.

3) Suwon Station (Seoul Subway Line 1), Exit 4.
Take bus 10-5 or 37 to Korean Folk Village.

[Shuttle Bus] 
- From Folk Village Office in front of Suwon Station to Korean Folk Village 
- Schedule: runs 5 times a day/ 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00 (30min-ride)

    創作者 夜以深,適宜私奔 的頭像


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