


一則是 美國曾經有半數的州在二次大戰後曾經通過優生法 允許州政府加醫療人員在未經女性同意下 基於優生法 對女性施行不孕手術


其中一個後來告上州政府的黑人女性受害者當初是被鄰居強暴 在當地醫院生下小孩後 醫院對她施與麻醉就幫她做了不孕手術 她從頭到尾都不知道自己被執行這樣手術


幾年後 她與他人結婚 因為無法生小孩求診 才被另外一個醫生告知她因這種手術終生無法懷孕


當初那些州的優生法對象是 犯罪者和心智不全者 等被某特定優生團隊認定為不適合生育下一代的人




而且這黑人女性根本不屬於這兩者 卻因為被強暴 而被那個團隊認定為心智脆弱亂性就被


另一則則是 密西根州有個一直很祥和的社區發生了一則還無法區分是兇殺還是自殺的案件


有個美國人胸口插了一支箭 死於車內

由於此社區太過祥和 以至於附近的居民對這件事的看法都是 這附近從來沒發生過這樣大的事 除了有人因為開party太吵外  一直以來這社區都沒發生什麼事



還說自插()身亡是有可能的  他們討論過


我果然不是那裏的居民 因為我隻注意到

居然在現代的美國 有人會死於一支箭



不曉得是當地太過祥和 連刀都沒有 以至於兇手必須用一支箭殺人

還是這人找不到刀 得用箭自殺


總之…Amazing America…


I was shocked by 2 pcs of news today. 

Both in U.S.A.


One is a cruel news about an Eugenics Law initiated in half of states in America after WW2.  The now defunct law allowed states to perform sterilization on people against their will.  The law targeted criminals and mentally disabled people who deemed by Eugenics penal as inappropriate to breed offspring.


One victim who now sued North Carolina government was then raped and gave birth in a hospital.  After giving birth, She received the sterilization surgery but without any knowledge of it.  Years after the incident, she went to college and married to another man.  Unable to get pregnant, she sought medical help.  What she learnt from doctor was that she was treated with sterilization. 


Though she is a victim of rape, she was considered by then medical panel as “feebleminded” and “promiscuous,” and thus belonged to the eugenics target group.


Can’t believe U.S.A was once a Nazi country.  This Eugenics Laws was so much like Nazi’s ideals.  Both intend to wipe out a certain group of people just because they see them as inferior.




Another news happened in Michigan.  A man was found dead in a parking lot.  He was seen with an arrow in his chest.


Residents there are all startled to hear the news because it is a peaceful residential area.  No homicide or big event occurred before. 


The police didn’t rule out suicide cause, claiming after discussion, they suggested that it’s physically possible for this man to commit suicide.


I was as startled as people there, but not because of “never heard before” but because of the arrow.


What the heck with an arrow as a murder weapon in a modern society.

Is that area too peaceful for a murderer to locate even a knife, so he had no choice but to use an arrow?


Or is it the same with this suicidal man to resort to arrow for his own death?






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